Varying titles and terminology in the design world can be jarring at times, especially for entry level individuals just dipping their toes into the job scene. Design language shifts and changes from job to job, even within the same industry. But as stated in the previous post; terms like "visual designer" and "graphic designer" get interchanged all too often. This miscommunication can be detrimental to a company or freelancer. Working as a freelance artist, I have personally experienced this miscommunication on several accounts. I have been hired under the title of "graphic designer", yet only worked on app and web based designs, virtually nothing with print. In addition to that, I was also strongly urged to be able to transition between web and print media, as well as implement coding as much as possible. These are all varying levels and styles of work that are usually not expected of one individual, especially in an entry level position. They also would vary vastly in pay rates, that were not reflected at several of the organizations that were hiring me. This is in part a combination of bad management within the company and misuse of the previously stated terms and titles. I have also been referred to as digital designer, brand designer and graphic artist. This goes to show that some universality and consistency need to be more broadly reached in the design world for the sake of everyone's functionality.
-Ian Brady 12/6/2018